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Food, Farming, Climate, Land Justice Activism

The agroecology training, campaigning and research centre combines the training and land-based enterprises on the farm into action on land justice.

The campaigning work will be coordinated Jyoti who works for by the Landworkers' Alliance, (LWA) a union representing ecological small and family farms across the UK which has a long history of campaigning for small farms and the environment with strong involvement of FLAME, the youth branch of Landworkers’ Aliance.

LWA is a part of La Via Campesina an international movement representing 200 million peasant farmers and indigenous peoples across the world.

Jyoti Fernandes is the campaigns coordinator for the LWA. working with Defra, politicians in Westminster, the Food and Agriculture Organisation and follows the COP process as a part of the international small farmers movement, La Via Campesina, which promotes the concept of Agroecology and Food Sovereignty.

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The Landskills Hub will host interns and visitors from farmers’ organizations across the world to share knowledge about organizing, advocacy and land work. The hub will provide a space for activists to work together, multiplying the impact of the advocacy work, whilst inspiring each other.

Activism Training

We will also host training camps with a focus on including young people from diverse backgrounds, with an aim to train young activists and aspiring land workers, helping them to get involved in the food, farming and climate justice work of La Via Campesina on the ground in the UK.

Our methodology is based on popular education, a method used widely by communities across the world to empower people to get involved in activism.


Small retreats, conferences and gatherings on themes related to land justice will form the heart of the activism, The gatherings may be strategy weekends others may be gatherings to build connections, or retreat spaces focused on bring people from many different backgrounds into the countryside.

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